The Propaganda bubble of the Rwanda Dictatorship seems to be in its last days, as it has reached the levels of overflowing and has become an embarrassment. When a regime gets so reckless with lies, then you start questioning its legitimacy. The amount of funding that goes into propaganda and lobbyists is greater than what is invested in clean water- it adds no value back in the people of Rwanda, but a cover-up for Paul Kagame and his inner circle of criminals. The main values and export that have been built in Rwanda are mainly;  lies, greed, inequality, violence, arrogance, oppression, intimidation , hype and a backward  mentality of showing off.

Rwanda Propaganda

We are very sure that, you’ve seen well dressed and good looking people calling themselves Rwandans singing and making a lot of noise around various corners of the world in praise and support of Paul Kagame.

But, its not what it seems to be, but just an illusion staged and managed by Paul Kagame himself. In short, see them as hired to paint over Paul Kagame’s naked lies. Those that know and understand Banyarwanda very well and not from what they read or watch/listen, Paul Kagame is hated more than the devil by 90% of Rwandans.

When you live under a very autocratic system that is capable of bombing its citizens(see Kibeho massacre,etc), ofcourse you’ll be forced to naturally act in a certain way-the people of Rwanda know what that psycho called Kagame is capable of doing to them- they’ve witnessed his killing machine.

Wanting to be seen everywhere and into everything

The entire state of Rwanda is today written in big lies-nothing that the regime ever does is  in the interest of its people, but the survival of war criminals walking the face of this earth. What we have in Rwanda, are bad colors of blood that can be spotted a thousand miles away.

Rwanda Propaganda

The pathological lies of the regime are now in their worst taste, to the extent were the regime is now living in a fantasy of knowing it all.

What we’re seeing in Rwanda today, is the hate for reason and commonsense. The intimidation of truth tellers by the regime, is not only exclusive to the local population of Rwanda, but has become a global brand.

The culture of wanting to be seen everywhere and fluking into everything, is becoming like pop music that has lost its market. Thus,  the listens have grown-up and are now listening to real music. What I’m trying to say here is that, the world is fed-up with Paul Kagame’s freeloading using the Rwanda Genocide emotional blackmail.  The real victims of that genocide have been forgotten and the igniters and perpetrators have taken over.

Its that time to bring Paul Kagame to account for all the crimes that were committed by his Army in both Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Without doing that-when the testimonies are still fresh, would be assisting the perpetrators of those horrendous crimes to get away…..

Rwanda Propaganda

If Paul Kagame can go all the mile to employ full-time cheerleaders that can be transported around the world anytime, to worship and defend him like a cult leader, then something somewhere in him is not right.

Today serious investors have just realised that all along, Rwanda was a very poor country, that is a professional global beggar and not an income generating country that benefits its people, but a very few greedy people-everything has been siphoned off by Paul Kagame and his inner circle. Thus, the people have been dis-empowered to create their wealth,and have instead been turned into victims of state extortion.

When you look around Rwanda and compare (not Kigali center) with what hired foreign experts on Rwanda development, praise and report- there’s a big  mismatch. The levels of despair are very appalling. Surely, is this what the dictator calls:  ” the pace of progress in Rwanda in the last twenty years gives great hope for the next twenty years“??

Then why would a regime that boasts around the world to have empowered women, demolish a poor woman’s house that she build herself with her own hands. Reason, because she was late paying a bribe(extortion) fee on time. By the way,  this is the other Kigali they never show you.

Rwanda Propaganda

Rwanda Propaganda

the Rwanda Dictatorship

Rwanda Propaganda

Rwanda Propaganda

Rwanda Propaganda

Rwanda Propaganda

This is just one case out of hundreds, that take place every week in Rwanda. We don’t blame those people that are still buying into the Paul Kagame lies, as the propaganda machine behind him, is powerful but not sophisticated to be busted.

Joram Jojo


Free Rwanda Communications
