Rwanda Forums Rwanda Facts The Rwanda Big Lie Lt-Col Alfred Mayuyu: hunting against the officers hutu in peace mission continues


Lt-Col Alfred Mayuyu: hunting against the officers hutu in peace mission continues

In a post published this Thursday, 18 August, a sickening campaign was undertaken by the networks activists of the civil society radical Pro-opposition against the LT-Col Alfred Mayuyu. The campaign arbitrarily accuse him of “many violations of the rights of man” during the violent demonstrations and attacks by armed gangs that rocked burundi lately.
Allegations rejected by the spokesman of the burundi army on his tweeter account.
Lt-Col Alfred Mayuyu was until the end of 2013 Deputy Commander of the special brigade for the protection of institutions. He joined the Royal Military Academy in Brussels where he spent two years before returning to burundi in March 2015. He was assigned in the second military region.
Even the spokesman of the national defence forces has rejected these accusations, recalling a few principles: ” before you embark on the ground, our soldiers receive training in the field of protection and promotion of the rights of man by national experts and International. If some are taken in the process of violating these rules, they are summoned to appear before a court martial and are subject to sanctions “, did he stressed.
According to the spokesman, none of the facts reported by these accusations against LT-Col Mayuyu had not previously been brought to the attention of the general staff of fdn. “we will drive on the other hand an investigation into these accusations that aim of some members well targeted fdn when they are recruited to participate in the united nations missions in order to draw our conclusions”, did he said. He said that this case is not isolated.
These new cases of accusations seem to get out of the same laboratory that whoever foment the allegations of sexual abuse brought against the French Contingents of maintenance of peace in the central African Republic and who have good reactions of outrage on the part of the international community, Including country whose quota are pointing the fingers, and which are part of the countries concerned. Beyond individuals arbitrarily criminalized, the honor of these countries would be engaged and to what end?
The Military Brotherhood kidnapping
Lt-Col Alfred Mayuyu is accused of kidnapping a lieutenant at the military hospital of bujumbura, of involvement in the attack on a funeral, and finally of murder and torture of his companions of weapon from the former burundian army.
However, in every establishment of health, the release of a patient hospitalized is governed by procedures well clear and precise. The exit is, as the admission, imposed by the director of the hospital on the assent of the hospital practitioner head of department or his representative.
The exit of the sick adults gives rise to a discount, by the office of the entries, bulletins of situation, after checking and updating of the information contained in the directory of admission. These are intended to the employer, the crates of social security and to the host institution in case of transfer. They indicate the dates of your stay. Before leaving the establishment, the patient has to pay the costs for him after taking care of his health insurance company and or his HMO.
It’s hard to understand how a patient can be removed in a military hospital without that there is no written procedure. No member contacted personnel in charge of entry and exit of the patients in hospital at the military hospital could not confirm this specific case of kidnapping in this hospital.
Prosecution of involvement in the attack of “a funeral procession”
According to the article published by rfi on Saturday, 31 October 2015 in the morning, a funeral procession came back from the cemetery of mpanda, in the locality of buringa, when the gunshots erupted.
According to the official version of the burundian police, these are the people inside the bus who opened fire first. When the forces of order tried to stop the bus, “a person who was inside fired, another tried to throw a grenade, the police returned fire”, explains the spokesman of the police. One person was killed and 12 others were apprehended, precise-T-he.
A version challenged by numerous witnesses on the spot. They evoke between 10 and 16 dead. She was also rejected by witnesses who also explain that a fifty civilians were aboard the bus, including women and children. There was no weapon, show-they. Always according to witnesses, the young who was buried was killed by a stray bullet two days earlier.
If the burundian police has declared itself to have been involved in this operation of maintenance of order, what are the objectives realistic wanted by the account @iBurundi, peaceful nininahazwe and others in these accusations involving in general officers of hutu Fdn and in particular this time, LT-Col Alfred Mayuyu?
According to our sources, some international circles infiltrated by members of the opposition tutsi burundi are working to make the officers hutu ex-Fdd do not have access to the international posts in the missions of the United Nations. This case unfortunately is not isolated: the spokesman fdn in was the victim in the central African Republic, and 4 officers fdn have left their posts following the same accusations.
Participation in the failure of the attacks of 11 December 2016
Always according to rfi, Friday morning, at Dawn, at approximately 4 p.m. (local time), armed insurgents attacked two military camps. The first is located north of the capital, the camp ngagara. The Attackers have not managed to enter and, according to military sources, they have suffered many losses. In the south of bujumbura, in the district of musaga home to several military camps, the clashes were very violent. Some soldiers have joined the insurgents and are served in weapons in a base camp before breaking into the iscam, higher institute which forms the officers burundian.
At This moment, the insurgents have been attacked by soldiers from another nearby barracks. There were violent clashes which lasted several hours before the assailants who’s calling. At that time, the spokesman of the army, Colonel Gaspard Baratuza, gave the balance sheet: Twelve Attackers killed and 20 captured. The Army would have recorded that 5 injured. What is the LT-Col Alfred Mayuyu in case?
This is no doubt now that certain circles extremists of the opposition have given mission to frustrate systematically every military recruitment of a ex-fdd to a position in the United Nations system. The Case of LT-Col Alfred Mayuyu this time to show the hidden face of these critics of the image of burundi abroad. Yet, the military of the national defence forces of burundi belong to be collective. Individual Behaviours Have always conditioning the harmony of the functioning of the ensemble and contribute to shaping the image of a disciplined army wherever she is deployed in peacekeeping missions of peace.
Freedom of expression is an inviolable principle. Any person can freely express an opinion, positive or negative, on a subject, but also on a person. However, as for all right, his abuse can be sanctioned, in the cases determined by law. The Franc-talk knows his limits. It is thus that the perpetrators of defamatory statements, insults or slanderous denunciations incur criminal sanctions.
By the mode of communication often used (post on tweeter, Flyers Whatsapp, post facebook, blog, etc. ), the accounts @iBurundi and its satellites with impunity commit an offence of defamation when they don’t bother of undermining the honor or to the consideration of LT-Col Alfred Mayuyu, since this one is named And clearly identifiable. And this without the right of reply.
Faced with the gravity of these false accusations, LT-Col Alfred mayuyu ensures that he will press charges for “denunciation defamatory and insults” in response to these publications.