Since a few days, units of the 5th and 58th Front in Urabá have been target of military encircling operations that cover the towns of El Encierro, Cuchillón, Barrancas, Alto La Balsa, La Linda, Las Minas de Dabeiba; Rio Sinú, indigenous community Zambudo, Manso river, the town of Zancón, Saltadero, Ventanas de Crucito in Tierra Alta. The towns La Nevera, Chontalito, Cristalina, La Unión Carepa, Tagual, Miramar, El Barro, El Loro, La Cooperativa and the area of Zurrambay.

In area of the 36th Front (Northern Antioquia), from December 30, troops from the military base of Providencia de Anorí attacked the villages of La Concha, Quebrada La Moreno and Santiago with mortar fire. So far, one military has been severely wounded as a result of the operations. All these casualties are dead and wounded which could have been avoided if the government had taken a less petty and irrational attitude.

The FARC-EP highlight and appreciate the call made by the Frente Amplio por la Paz (Broad Front for Peace) upon the Government of Santos, to desist from these foolish actions in the middle of a peace process, because they could cause the end of the unilateral ceasefire and destroy the atmosphere of trust that must surround the Conversation Table.

Havana, Cuba, site of the peace talks, January 14, 2015

Peace Delegation of the FARC-EP




Colombia paramilitary

The military siege against guerrilla units that are in truce intensifies in the Llanos Orientales and Cauca.

Havana, Cuba, site of the peace talks, January 11, 2015

Is it a government’s decision to maintain a confrontation that continues to generate more victims and more suffering? If the government really wants to get to the signing of a Final Agreement, its deeds should be consistent with the discourse of peace. The majority of the people claim so and patience is running out.

On December 24, at 16:50, 4 Air Force planes bombed the area of El Trapiche, on the banks of the Siare creek, in the department of Guaviare.

On January 1, at 20:30, a phantom aircraft of the army strafed El Trapiche for 30 minutes.

On January 4, at 02:00, there was a landing of army and police troops in Salto Gloria, in area of the first Front of the FARC.

On the 5th, at 02:50, the army bombed, strafed and landed troops close to combat units of the FARC. During the action, a guerrilla fighter was injured.

In Cauca, eight days ago, the Spartacus operation started, against structures of the column Jacobo Arenas of the FARC. A battalion and three companies are participating in it, including “Cobra” and “Baltic”.

We hope that the Frente Amplio por la Paz (Broad Front for Peace), will monitor the situation and pronounce itself about these events that threaten the sustainability of the unilateral cease-fire every day.

Peace Delegation of the FARC-EP

Free Rwanda Editorial Team says:This just shows that the Colombia government has no interest in the population, but Arms manufacturers and their foreign shareholders. Its foreign interests that are being put before Colombians.

That’s why the Colombian people should unite and overthrow such a bad system, that has no interest in a peaceful  but pain and rivers of blood in Colombia.