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It’s shameful to want to make people understand that undertake is a crime! What’s more surprising that someone with degrees in business to get to his account and decide to stop business and sees his company liquidated?

On average in France, 3 companies on 5 created do not spend the cape of 2 years. At least, him, because he is of the attacks directed against the current – libérat mfumukeko sg of the eac, dared to get to his account and this for more than 10 years while being involved in other noble Activities (Master of conference at Clark University – Massachusetts, USA, etc. ). He didn’t live social assistance as many of these hungry beaks currently crammed into the reception centres of refugees where the only income they have is none other than the money they receive by way of compensation of insertion. Others among them are pointing unemployed and live off the hook of the Belgian taxpayer, French and Canadian. Yet, here they are doing a bankruptcy in times of widespread economic crisis of the 2000 s an individual failure while elsewhere it is regarded as a rich experience!

Did he been convicted of serious misconduct of management following this bankruptcy? Of course not! And from there be surprised that our country has not advanced for 40 years so that they are some political actors of this era and other strays and losers of the burundian political life that their offspring in the west to dirty our military, police and Politicians every time they are in the positions of representation abroad. …

All these pseudo defenders of the rights of man (Ddh) is currently in kigali die the slab and instead of returning to their country and live there with dignity and peacefully are currently in the service of the niss / DMI who makes them do their dirty work .

Some live increasingly in insecurity and fear: the fear of running out of food, the fear of not being able to pay the bills and buy the minimum subsistence, the fear of being expelled from their homes. They live more and more of isolation and suffer abuse of all kinds. Some people have decided to quietly “escape” Rwanda and return to the fold: Case of egide and aubry. For others, they have had no other choice than to leave kigali and settle in nyamata, distant suburb of kigali where rents are moderate.

The depletion of these activists has created extreme conditions of life, which grows more and more certain in distress to strike at the gates of the rwandan intelligence in order to sell a bunch of papers insulting our country. According to some members of the association focode, the situation is linked to several factors, including the important budget cuts in social programs of governments during the last ten months: Fidh, eardh, pen international, International Media Support, freedom house and frontline defenders do More pay a dime to his freeloaders. Mfpss trying to meet some of their needs, the shalom house has put at their disposal a psychologist after that there has been a failed attempt suicide. Only the eu through eardh finance to account drop the radios inzamba and humura. Faced with this situation, the factors of embrittlement of the mental health of these “conquerors of futility” follow social isolation, indebtedness, marital difficulties and separation, as well as food insecurity. These problems of housing, precarious employment and financial insecurity affect them copieusemenr and led many to join the refugee camps, especially from mahama for propaganda and the recruitment of refugees who have to go to participate in military training at gabiro bigogwe, gako, And nasho. The Cadership Races (political mobilization) are provided to muhazi by the RPF.

Most of them including vital nshimirimana and Pacific Ninahazwe don’t hide their feelings of helplessness, more avowedly demoralized and currently live in stress. Alcohol wreaking havoc and depression the win to the point where they asked psychological help to various Ngos, including that of maggy the crazy: Maison Shalom.

To cope with this situation and come to plead for their cause (survival), the embassy of France in bujumbura will take care of the movement of three radical extremists located in Rwanda to participate in the 33th session of the human rights council The man in Geneva (12 to 30 September). Questions:

1 / why the embassy of France finance these rebels in the power of bujumbura in supporting their displacement, hotel and costs of mouth so she doesn’t pay a dime to the burundian associations who solicit on site?

2 / finally, these radicals who hide behind the hrsl will they really plead for the dh or rather for their well-being used?

At least we will have realized that when you get in trouble to the point where we can no longer provide for its most basic needs, we’ll meet at the mercy of the slavery of modern times that make you do whatever they want. For our case, Arnaud, Blaise, vital, peaceful spend every morning at the headquarters of the rwandan intelligence get articles to post in different social media.

Like the ivorians say
If you take the path of I don’t care, you’re gonna find yourself in the village of if if I had known.